HyGear announced the inception of the second phase of its Gas to Liquid development program. After the successful conclusion of the technology development phase year, the company acquired funding to enter the final stage of the program that will result in a demonstration plant producing 70 bbl/day of synthetic crude. The project is co-funded by the Dutch Government with a 4,2M€ grant from its revolving fund “Innovatie Krediet”. It leaves HyGear with a total funding of 12,9M€ for development of our Gas to Liquid plants.
Many gas streams are currently too small to be used effectively and therefore wasted into the environment. Examples are waste streams from digesters or landfills and gas flares from upstream oil production or natural gas fields. It’s essential to make these gas streams valuable, by converting them into liquid fuels that can be easily stored and transported.
The systems required to convert these smaller streams are not available yet. HyGear is developing a gas to liquid system (GtL), dedicated to convert small-scale gas streams into synthetic crude of up to 70 bbl/day.
Our GtL plants deliver a solution to create value from waste streams in small-scale, easily transportable and installable mountings. They can convert a wide range of gaseous inlet streams into a crude synthetic oil that can be transported to a central refinery. The utilization of waste streams has positive ecological and economical effects. Furthermore, the GtL hands a perfect solution to companies struggling to overcome anti-flaring legislation.
The GtL plant is based on the principle of steam reforming, combined with Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. In the steam reforming section, the carbon based waste stream is converted into synthesis gas which is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. In the Fischer-Tropsch section, this mixture will react into a mixture of alkanes. The chosen catalyst and process conditions will determine the composition of products, ranging from gasoline to diesel and waxes.
The technology of the GtL plant is based upon HyGear’s proprietary High Heat-flux Reactor designs. HyGear has specific expertise in desulfurization methods and can choose different approaches ranging from pre-adsorption to tailored PSA removal systems. A typical lay-out is shown here. Depending on inlet gas and specific requirements for the end products, items can be added, rearranged or removed.
HyGear’s core knowledge concerns engineering of small-scale chemical processes and plants. The company offers services related to new process design and pilot and demonstration plants to the oil, gas and chemical industry. Besides this, HyGear offers standardized products for decentralized operation concerning hydrogen production, gas cleaning and upgrading, and waste stream utilization.
The company is established as a limited liability company under Dutch Law and was founded in 2003. The major Investors are PPM Oost NV, a Dutch investment company and Abengoa Hidrogeno S.A, a Spanish Engineering company publicly traded on Bolsa de Madrid.
Ms. Petra Barelds Msc
Marketing and Communication Department
+3188 9494 308